Print Quality Modes
There are two modes that produce boldface (darker) characters
which make your printout more distinctive. These modes are Double-
Strike and Emphasized. Each gets its bold effect by printing overlap-
ping dots as explained earlier in this chapter. Figure 5-5 shows the
difference between Single-Strike (the default), and Emphasized.
On the P-80, Double-Strike and Emphasized produce the same
result. Double-Strike may produce a slightly different result when
printed through your software.
Figure 5-5. Print quality differences
Dress-up Modes
There are two more modes you can mix with any of the other
modes to give your printouts a finished touch-Italic and Underline.
Italic characters are printed in a typeface completely different from
the more usual Roman characters. Any computer system can select
Italic mode without software adjustments.
The P-80 has a built-in Underline mode making it easy for you to
underline anything. You can underline characters or blank spaces as
demonstrated in Chapter 4.
Mode Conflicts and Priorities
Print modes have an order of priority; some modes are assigned
greater value than others. Also, certain modes can be combined and
others cannot. If two modes which are not equal in value are used