Chapter 5
Print Enhancements and
Special Characters
Besides the pitches (pica, elite, and compressed) covered in Chap-
ters 3 and 4, the LX-90 offers many other typestyles.
Emphasized Mode
In the emphasized mode the LX-90 prints each dot twice, with the
second dot slightly to the right of the first. In order to do this, the print
head must slow down so that it has time to fire, retract, and fire the
pins quickly enough to produce the overlapping dots. This method
produces better-looking, more fully formed characters that are darker
than single-strike characters.
To see an example of emphasized, type and run the following pro-
gram. (See “Running BASIC Programs” in Chapter
if necessary.)
10 LPRINT "This is standard printing."
20 LPRINT CHR$(27); "E";
30 LPRINT "This is emphasized printing."
100 LPRINT CHR$(27);"@"
This is
standard printing.
This is emphasized printing.