Setting Up the TV 37
Remote Control Programming Codes
The programming code for the Epson Livingstation HDTV tuner is 101. Codes for other
manufacturers’ products are listed below.
DVD player programming codes
Manufacturer Code Manufacturer Code
Aiwa 420 Philips 401, 426, 433
Denon 406, 423 Pioneer 415, 416
Funai 435 Proscan 424, 425
Harmon/Kardon 410 RCA 424, 425
Hitachi 407, 422 Samsung 421
JVC 413, 414 Sanyo 401
Kenwood 431 Sharp 427, 434
Konka 403, 404 Sony 417, 418
LG 411 Sylvania 409
Magnavox 401, 426 Thomson 419
Mitsubishi 412 Toshiba 401, 402
Onkyo 408, 432 Yamaha 406, 428, 426, 433
Panasonic 405, 406, 429, 430 Zenith 411
VCR programming codes
Manufacturer Code Manufacturer Code
Admiral 364 Mitsubishi / MGA 316, 341, 342, 343, 355,
356, 357, 359
Advanture 336 Montgomery Ward 358, 364
Aiko 346 Motorola 328, 364
Aiwa 319, 336, 363 MTC 329, 336
Akai 321, 322, 323, 353, 355 Multitech 307, 315, 329, 333, 336,
American High 328 NEC 308, 310, 311, 343, 353,
Asha 329 Nikko 319
Audio Dynamic 310, 343, 354 Nobelex 329
Audiovox 319 Olympic 328, 351
Bell & Howell 311, 312 Olympus 328
Beaunmark 329 Optimus 319, 355, 364
Broksonic 334, 337, 338, 354 Optonica 358
Calix 319 Orion 334, 348
Candle 310, 314, 319, 329 Panasonic 325, 326, 327, 328, 351,