
iDP3410 User's Manual
13.3 ESC/POS Commands
13.3.1 Command List
Command Function Code Page
1 HT Horizontal tab 09H 84
2 LF Printing and paper feed 0AH 84
3 CR Printing 0DH 85
4 ESC " " n Setting the character right space 1BH 20H n 85
5 ESC ! n Setting print mode batch 1BH 21H n 86
6 ESC % n Specifying/Canceling the download character set 1BH 25H n 87
ESC & s n m
[a[p] s
× a]
Defining the download character set
1BH 26H s n m
[a[p] a×a] m-n+1
m n1 n2
[d] n1 + 256 × n2
Specifying the bit image mode
1BH 2AH m n1 n2
[d] n1 + 256×n2
9 ESC 2 Setting the 1/6-inch line feed rate 1BH 32H n 90
10 ESC 3 n
Setting the line feed width in minimum pitch
1BH 33H n 90
11 ESC < NOP 1BH 3CH
12 ESC @ Initializing the printer 1BH 40H 90
13 ESC D [n] k NUL Setting the Horizontal tab position 1BH 44H [n] k 00 91
14 ESC J n NOP 1BH 4AH n
15 ESC R n Selecting the international character set 1BH 52H n 92
16 ESC U n Specifying/Canceling the unidirectional print mode 1BH 55H n 93
17 ESC c 0 n NOP 1BH 63H 30 n
18 ESC c 5 n Selecting the panel switch enable/disable 1BH 63H 35H n 94
19 ESC d n Printing and n-line paper feed 1BH 64H n 94
20 ESC p m n1 n2 Specifying the pulse generation 1BH 70H m n1 n2 95
21 ESC r n Selecting the printing color 1BH 72H n 96
22 ESC t n Selecting the character code table 1BH 74H n 96
23 ESC u n Sending the status for peripheral device 1BH 75H n 97
24 ESC v Sending the printer status 1BH 76H 98
25 ESC { n Specifying/Canceling the inverted character print 1BH 7BH n 99
26 GS E n NOP 1DH 45H n
27 ESC / n Defining the message 1BH 2FH n 99
28 ESC DC3 n Printing the message 1BH 13H n 100
29 ESC DC2 n1 n2
Deleting the download character, message, bit
1BH 12H n1 n2 101
30 GS n1 n2 Defining the download, bit image 1DH 2AH n1 n2 102
31 GS / m Printing the download, bit image 1DH 2FH m 103