Before printing barcodes, specify the font name for the barcode, the font size, the font script of the
printed data, the common settings, and the barcode settings with the printer driver, and then specify
the font name, the font size, and the font script with your application. For more information about
these settings, see the online help.
❏ Specify the font size that is set with the Specified Point for the barcode. If other font sizes are
specified, the barcode cannot be printed.
❏ When printing and using barcodes, make sure that they can be scanned correctly under the actual
usage conditions.
Printer Driver Settings Overview
The following tables show the Windows printer driver settings. Note that not every setting is available
in all versions of Windows. For more information, see the online help for the printer driver.
GP-C830/GP-M830/GP-C831/GP-M831/GP-C832/GP-M832 User’s Guide
Printer Software 29