Chapter 4
Performing System Diagnostics
This chapter describes how to check the operation of the main unit and
peripheral devices of your system. You check these devices using System
diagnostics, option 4 on the OPERATION MENU.
Always run diagnostics after adding or removing optional devices, or if
you are unsure whether a device is performing correctly. You should also run
these tests after moving your computer from one place to another, and after
you replace the internal battery.
To run System diagnostics, boot your system with the reference disk-
ette in drive A. Then select option 4 from the OPERATION
MENU. If you start this program in any other way, some tests may
produce strange results.
You can test these devices; the program identifies each one with a spe-
cific reference number:
1 - System
2 - Memory
3 - Keyboard
4 - Monochrome display adapter and CRT
5 - Color graphics adapter and CRT
6 - Floppy disk drives and controller
7 - Math coprocessor (80287)
9 - Parallel port (printer interface)
11 - Serial port (RS-232C port)
12 - Alternate serial port
14 - Dot-matrix printer
17 - Hard disk drives and controller
21 - Alternate parallel port
81 - Parallel port (on video adapter)
Appendix A lists the error messages that may occur when testing these