Paper roll Bit-image commands GS ( L GS 8 L
Ver. 10.01 p. 221
Program Sample 3 (Sending key code list)
* Description for image data has been omitted.
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);"(L";CHR$(4);CHR$(0);CHR$(48);CHR$(64);CHR$(75);CHR$(67); ← Function 64:
GOSUB *RECEIVE ← Receives "Header to NUL" data and stores it in ST$ (description omitted)
PRINT #1,CHR$(6); ← Sends response code
PRINT MID$(ST$,4) ← Displays received data on the monitor
IF MID$(ST$,3,1)=CHR$(65) THEN *LOOP ← Checks for presence of continuing data
Program Sample 4 (Sending information on capacity
available in NV graphics domain)
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1D);"(L";CHR$(2);CHR$(0);CHR$(48);CHR$(51); ← Function 51:
GOSUB *RECEIVE ← Receives "Header to NUL" data and stores it in ST$ (description omitted)
PRINT MID$(ST$,4) ← Displays available capacity information on monitor.