
6 | Index
SelecType menus, (continued)
Printer Status, 2-4
Test Print, 2-3, 3-1
Serial interface, 5-7, B-2 to B-3
Sharing printer
Macintosh, B-6 to B-7
Windows, C-5 to C-10
Slow printing, 4-9
electrical, 5-3
environmental, 5-3
ink cartridges, 5-5
mechanical, 5-3
paper, 5-2
parallel interface, 5-6
printable area, 5-3
printing, 5-1
serial interface, 5-7
Speed and Progress configuration
utility, C-29 to C-30
high tension, 1-1
roll paper, 1-4 to 1-9
Spool folders, B-22 to B-23, C-30
Spool Manager, C-21
SRGB setting, C-19
Stabilizer knobs, 3-19
Status check, 2-3
Status Monitor
Macintosh, B-21 to B-22
Windows, C-21 to C-25
Status Monitor 2, C-21 to C-22
Status Monitor 3, C-23 to C-25
Support, EPSON, 4 to 5
System requirements
Macintosh, B-4
Windows, C-3
Technical support, 4 to 5
Test Print menu, 2-3, 3-1
Text/Graph setting, B-11, C-12
Transporting printer, 3-16 to 3-19
Trim lines, printing
control panel, 1-10, 1-15
Macintosh, B-9
Windows, C-16
Troubleshooting, 4-1 to 4-13
USB connection, B-1 to B-2,
C-1 to C-2
Utility cutter, 1-14
Utility menu
Macintosh, B-21 to B-22
Windows, C-23, C-26 to C-27
Waste ink (waste ink system), 2-5,
3-20, 5-1
Web site, EPSON, 5
Weight of printer, 5-3
Width of printer, 5-3
advanced print options,
C-16 to C-20
basic print options, C-11 to C-12
color management, C-18 to C-20
connecting printer, C-1 to C-2
custom print job settings, C-12
drivers, C-1 to C-20
head cleaning utility, C-26 to C-27
installing software, C-3
managing print jobs, C-20 to C-21
monitoring printer, C-20 to C-25
nozzle check utility, C-26 to C-27
paper options, C-15
printer status, checking, C-21 to C-25
sharing printer, C-5 to C-10
Speed and Progress configuration
utility, C-29 to C-30
status alerts, C-24 to C-25
Status Monitor 2, C-21 to C-22
Status Monitor 3, C-23 to C-25
system requirements, C-3
Utility menu, C-26 to C-27