EPSON Stylus Photo 750 Revision A
Product Description Parallel Interface 14
1.3 Parallel Interface
This printer has IEEE-1284 parallel interface, RS-423 serial interface
and USB interface as standard.
1.3.1 Parallel Interface(Forward channel)
Forward channel is the mode to transfer the ordinary printing order to
the printer side from the PC side.
Table 1-6. Parallel I/F
BUSY signal is set high before setting either-ERROR low or PE high
and is held high until all these signals return to their inactive state.
BUSY signal is set high level in the following cases.
-During data entry (see Data transmission timing)
-When input data buffer is full
-During -INIT signal is at low level or during hardware initialization
-During printer error (See-ERROR signal)
-When the parallel interface is not selected.
ERROR signal is at low level when the printer is in one of the following
-Printer hardware error (fatal error)
-Paper-out error
-Paper jam error
-Ink-out error
PE signal is at high level during paper-out error.
Table 1-7. Connector pin assignment and signals
Item Specification
Transmission mode 8bit parallel, IEEE-1284 compatibility mode
Synchronization By STROBE pulse
Handshaking By BUSY and ACKNLG signal
Signal Level TTL compatible level
Adaptable connector 57-30360(amphenol) or equivalent
GND pin
In/Out Function Description
1 -STROBE 19 In
The strobe pulse. Read-in of data is
performed at the falling edge of this
2-9 Data0-7 20-27 In
The DATA 0 through DATA7 signals
represent data bits 0-7,
respectively.Eacj signal is at high when
data is logical 1 and low level when data
is logical 0.
10 -ACKNLG 28 Out
This signal is a negative pulse including
that the printer can gain accept data.
11 BUSY 29 Out
A high signal indicates that the printer
cannot receive data.
12 PE 28 Out A high signal indicates paper-out error.
13 SLCT 28 Out
Always at high level when the printer is
powered on.
14 -AFXT 30 In Not used.
31 -INIT 30 In
This falling edge of a negative pulse or a
low signal on this line causes the printer
to initialize Minimum 50 us pulse is
32 -ERROR 29 Out
A low signal indicates printer error
36 -SLIN 30 In Not used.