
1. Write Bidirectional Adjustment Data to EEPROM
Format 1B 7C 00 00 FF 00 (in hex) dl d2 d3
Parameters dl Print speed (0: High speed draft, 1: Draft, 2: LQ)
d2 , d3 Bi-d adjustment data to be written (units = 1/720 inch)
n = FFF4H (–12) 12/720 inch to the right
n = FFFFH (–1) 22/720 inch to the right
n = FFFEH (–2) 1/720 inch to the right
n = 0000H (±0)
n = 0001H (+1) 1/720 inch to the left
n = 0002H (+2) 2/720 inch to the left
n = 000CH (+12) 12/720 inch to the left
Range dl 0, 1, or 2
d2, d3 –12 n +12 (n = d2 + d3 × 256)
2. Print Data for Selected EEPROM Address
Format 1B 7C 00 04 00 01 FE 80 (in hex) dl
Parameter dl EEPROM address
Range dl 00H dl 7FH
3. Write Data to Specific EEPROM Address
Format 1B 7C 00 05 00 04 FB 02 (in hex) dl d2
Parameters dl EEPROM address
d2 Byte of data to be written
Range d1 00H dl 7FH
d2 00H d2 FFH (Will not accept addresses 00Hor 02H)
4. Set Print Mode
Format 1B 7C 00 04 00 03 FC 81 (in hex) dl
Parameter dl Print speed
bit 0: ESC mode (1) /not fixed (0)
bit 1: Head hot mode (1) / not fixed (0)
bit 2: Head cold mode (1) / not fixed (0)
bit 3: Heavy duty mode (1) /not fixed (0)
bit 4: Thick paper mode (1) / not fixed (0)
bit 5: Reserved
bit 6: Power down mode (1)/ not fixed (0)
bit 7: Normal mode (1)/ not fixed (0)
Range 00 H dl 05H
5. Compare Data at Selected EEPROM Addresses
Format 1B 7C 00 05 00 05 FA 82 (in hex) d1 d2
Parameters dl EEPROM address
d2 Address of data to be compared
Range d1 00H d1 7FH
d2 00H d2 FFH
FX-2170 Service Manual Appendix
Rev. A A-1