1. Write Bidirectional Adjustment Data to EEPROM
• Format 1B 7C 00 00 FF 00 (in hex) dl d2 d3
• Parameters dl Print speed (0: High speed draft, 1: Draft, 2: LQ)
d2 , d3 Bi-d adjustment data to be written (units = 1/720 inch)
n = FFF4H (–12) 12/720 inch to the right
n = FFFFH (–1) 22/720 inch to the right
n = FFFEH (–2) 1/720 inch to the right
n = 0000H (±0)
n = 0001H (+1) 1/720 inch to the left
n = 0002H (+2) 2/720 inch to the left
n = 000CH (+12) 12/720 inch to the left
• Range dl 0, 1, or 2
d2, d3 –12 ≤ n ≤ +12 (n = d2 + d3 × 256)
2. Print Data for Selected EEPROM Address
• Format 1B 7C 00 04 00 01 FE 80 (in hex) dl
• Parameter dl EEPROM address
• Range dl 00H ≤ dl ≤ 7FH
3. Write Data to Specific EEPROM Address
• Format 1B 7C 00 05 00 04 FB 02 (in hex) dl d2
• Parameters dl EEPROM address
d2 Byte of data to be written
• Range d1 00H ≤ dl ≤ 7FH
d2 00H ≤ d2 ≤ FFH (Will not accept addresses 00Hor 02H)
4. Set Print Mode
• Format 1B 7C 00 04 00 03 FC 81 (in hex) dl
• Parameter dl Print speed
bit 0: ESC mode (1) /not fixed (0)
bit 1: Head hot mode (1) / not fixed (0)
bit 2: Head cold mode (1) / not fixed (0)
bit 3: Heavy duty mode (1) /not fixed (0)
bit 4: Thick paper mode (1) / not fixed (0)
bit 5: Reserved
bit 6: Power down mode (1)/ not fixed (0)
bit 7: Normal mode (1)/ not fixed (0)
• Range 00 H ≤ dl ≤ 05H
5. Compare Data at Selected EEPROM Addresses
• Format 1B 7C 00 05 00 05 FA 82 (in hex) d1 d2
• Parameters dl EEPROM address
d2 Address of data to be compared
• Range d1 00H ≤ d1 ≤ 7FH
d2 00H ≤ d2 ≤ FFH
FX-2170 Service Manual Appendix
Rev. A A-1