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In addition to the remote control, you can also control the
projector by using the buttons on the projector’s operation
panel located on top of the projector.
This table summarizes the functions on the remote control.
Button Function
Menu Displays or hides the menu.
Source Switches the input source to Conmputer or Video.
Effects buttons Use to display special effects; 1 Pointer, 2 Box, 3 Line,
4 Marker, 5 Clear.
Top multi-
purpose button
Acts as a right mouse click, registers a menu
selection, and selects other custom functions.
Bottom multi-
purpose button
Acts as a left mouse click, registers a menu selection,
and selects other custom functions.
Help Displays the help menu for various types of problems
you may encounter.
Resize Switches between Resizing screen and Window
screen (PC input).
Custom Zooms an image using the Mouse Right/Left buttons.
Freeze Keeps the current computer or video image on the
AV/Mute Turns off the image and sound of the projector
– Volume + Adjusts the volume.
Power Turns the projector on or off.