SelecType Options
L-MARGIN - Use this option to set the left margin.
Margin units are determined by the current pitch (characters
per inch) and the condensed setting (ON or OFF). The factory
setting is 0.
Available options
0 to available
If you select proportional, 10 cpi and condensed determine
margin units. If you change the setting of ORIENT, PAGE
SIZE, or WIDE PAGE (when PAGE SIZE is set to A4 or F4),
the left margin defaults to 0.
l R-MARGIN - Use this option to set the right margin.
Margin units are determined by current pitch (characters per
inch) and the condensed setting (ON or OFF). The factory
setting is
Available options
1 to available
If you select proportional, 10 cpi and condensed determine
margin units. If you change the setting of ORIENT, PAGE
SIZE, or WIDE PAGE (when PAGE SIZE is set to A4 or F4),
the right margin defaults to the setting shown in the table on
the next page.
Appendix C