If you need help using other manufacturers’ software with an EPSON
product, see the documentation for that software for technical support
To speak to a technical support representative, dial (310) 974-4303 (U.S.) or
(905) 709-2567 (Canada), 6 AM to 8 PM, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday and
7 AM to 4 PM, Saturday. Toll or long distance charges may apply.
Before you call, please have the following information ready:
Product name (EPSON Stylus COLOR 640)
Product serial number (located on the back of the printer)
Computer configuration
Description of the problem
You can purchase ink cartridges, paper, manuals, and accessories from EPSON
Accessories at (800) 873-7766 (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please call (800) 873-7766
for dealer referral.
Creative and Internet Software Technical Support
If you need help with any of the creative or Internet software on the CD-ROM, please
contact the manufacturer, as listed below:
Software Telephone Fax Online and E-mail
Adobe (206) 675-6120 (206) 628-5737 www.adobe.com
PhotoDeluxe 2.0 (fax-on-demand
American Greetings (900) 847-8477 — www.mgxsupport.com
CreataCard Special ($2.00 per minute)
Edition M – F, 7
Business Card, Ink. (213) 226-1480 (213) 276-5275 www.dogbyte.com
& More DogByteTec@aol.com
EarthLink Network (800) 395-8410 — www.earthlink.net
Disney’s Daily Blast (972) 389-3970 — www.disneyblast.com
7 days 8AM – 11PM EST contact@disneyblast.com
The Print Shop (415) 382-4750 — www.broderbund.com/support
Premier Edition