186 Index
Theatre color mode, 45
Through aspect setting, 46
Tint setting, 72
Tracking, adjusting, 74, 132
Transporting projector, 120
blank screen, 126 to 128
cut-off image, 130
image and sound problems, 126 to 134
network problems, 136 to 138
no signal, 127 to 128
projector problems, 121 to 141
remote control problems, 139
wireless projection problems, 136 to 138
Turning off picture (using A/V Mute), 60
Turning off projector, 42
Unpacking projector, 12 to 13
button, 38, 43
cable, 25 to 27, 37 to 38
connecting external device, 37 to 38
connecting for display, 25 to 27
key, 91
selecting TypeB port usage, 64, 78
USB Display, solving problems, 125
User button, 76
User’s Logo
creating, 82
display settings, 83
VCR, connecting, 29 to 32
VGA video cable, 24, 32
cables, 12, 20 to 21, 29
connecting video equipment, 29 to 32
formats, supported, 145
selecting source, 43
Video Signal setting, 74
Volume, controlling, 62
Warning lights, 123 to 124
Warranty, 11
Web browser control, 104
Web Remote Control, 106
WEP encryption, 97 to 98
Whiteboard, 37 to 38
Whiteboard color mode, 45
display problems, 128
selecting network settings, 96
Wired network, 86 to 88
module, 89 to 90
presentation, 85 to 101
problems, 136 to 138
Quick Wireless Connection, 91
security, 97 to 100
WEP encryption, 97 to 98
WPA security, 99 to 100
Wireless mouse, 27 to 28, 64
Wireless Mouse setting, 65, 78
WPA security, 99 to 100
Zoom aspect setting, 46
Zoom ratio, 143
Zoom setting, 75
Zooming image, 61