Chapter 5 Printer Commands
410 Operators Manual 41
24 Change SW4: Change software dip switch #4. Below is the ^AB sequence.
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
1=Auto-size on Power-up, 0=Disable
1=Blow-hole Sensing Enable, 0=Disable
1=Enable 2" Epson Emulation, 0=Disable
1=Enable 4" Epson Emulation, 0=Disable
1 4" Epson Emulation: When set, the printer executes the same commands as
an Epson printer in an 80 column format. This parameter enables the emulation
on printer power-up (Also see the ^A1^D38 command in section 5.3). To exit this
mode, create a status label (see section 2.1.3) and clear (0) this position in this
software dip switch. This function is no longer supported.
2 Enable 2" Epson Emulation: Same as position 2, but prints in a 40 column
format. (Also see the ^A2^D38 command in section 5.3.) This function is no
longer supported.
3 Blow-hole Stock: Enable this position when using blow-hole or cut-slot stock:
Stock that uses a hole instead of a gap to separate labels.
4 Auto-size on power-up: When enabled, the printer automatically sizes the label
stock when turned on. The printer then uses these header values for all
subsequent label formats. See the ^D39 command in section 5.3 for more
information on auto-sizing.
5 Always 0
6 Always 0
7 Always 0
8 Always 0
XX 36 Adjust Contrast Base: Used to adjust the contrast base point for such things as
high-speed paper and printhead wear. This command is stored in the EEprom
and skews the entire contrast window (^D35). This command has a ^A range of
10 to 200%.