
you with our naming convention.
Example 1: ep2200 luster_1440_eday
This prole is for the Epson 2200 (ep2200), using standard
Photo Black ink, Luster paper (luster), 1440 dpi (1440), and
daylight balanced viewing environment (eday).
Example 2: ep2200MK Velvet_1440_ECWF
This prole is for the Epson 2200, using Matte Black ink (MK),
Epson Velvet paper (Velvet), 1440 dpi, and color balanced for
cool white uorescent lighting conditions.
Example 3: ep2200_grey_luster_1440
This prole is made for greyscale printing (grey) on the Epson
2200, using the Photo Black ink, on Luster paper, at 1440 dpi.
To enable the TINT PICKER, you must select a prole with
“grey” in the name.
Example 4: ep2200MK_grey_EnhMatte_1440
This prole is made for greyscale printing on the Epson 2200,
using Matte Black ink, on Enhanced Matte paper, at 1440 dpi.