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Checking Gaskets
An airtight seal at the door openings and hopper lid opening is crucial to proper
stove performance. Any air leaks at these areas can not only cause a dirty,
inefficient burn but can also pose a serious safety threat. Because of this, gaskets
should always be maintained in good condition. Gasket tightness can be checked
using the “dollar-bill” method:
Place a dollar bill between the gasket and the stove body (at the location
where the gasket meets the stove).
Tighten the latching mechanism down and attempt to pull the dollar bill out.
If the dollar bill slides in and out easily, the gasket needs to be replaced.
This test should be repeated around the entire gasket perimeter, as gaskets
will sometimes seal tightly on one side, but will be worn and seal poorly on
another side.
Perform this test around the entire perimeter of the door, hopper lid and ash
pan. If any area fails the test, the entire gasket should be replaced. The part
number appropriate to the gasket being replaced can be found in the
“Illustrated Parts” section at the rear of this manual.
Gaskets should only be replaced with equivalent fiberglass gaskets
purchased from England’s Stove Works ® specifically for this unit.
Instructions for gasket removal and replacement will accompany the gasket
kit ordered, and can also be found in the instructional DVD accompanying
this manual in the stove.