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WARRANTY REGISTRATION for England’s Stove Works®
Purchaser Information
I. Purchased By (Name) _________________________________________
II. Address ____________________________________________________
III. City_______________________State________Zip Code ____________
IV. Telephone Number ___________________________________________
V. Email Address _______________________________________________
Dealer Information
VI. Purchased From _____________________________________________
VII. Address ___________________________________________________
VIII. City_______________________ State________ Zip Code __________
Unit Information
*Refer to the sticker on the back of the manual or box to complete this section.
IX. Model Number_____________________ Purchase Date _____________
X. Purchase Price_____________________
XI. Serial Number_____________________ Mfg. Date _________________
Purchase Questions
How did you first hear about our product? (Please check one)
Word of Mouth ____ Burn Trailer Demonstration____ Internet____
Other: ________________________________________________________
Where did you receive information about our product?
Via Telephone____ Dealer (Name of dealer) ___________ Internet____
Other: ________________________________________________________