TROUBLE SHOOTING (Unit must be OFF, unplugged and cool before any maintenance)
PROBLEM CAUSE: Too rich air/fuel mixture
Fire burns with a lazy, orange
flame and/or fuel builds up in
the firepot.
Glass may become dirty.
Flue or intake is restricted.
Make sure glass door is shut
and sealed tightly. If not,
adjust door handle or replace
gasket if necessary.
Verify ash removal plates are
pushed completely in.
Verify that exhaust fan is
running and venting
properly. If not, check
connection and clean or
Moisture content above
15%. Allow fuel to dry or mix
with some wood pellets.
CAUSE: Firepot burns out
of fuel
Fire goes out or stove shuts
down. Fuel may stop
Hopper empty; refill
Auger jams. Remove auger
and clean. Auger jams can
be a problem if poor quality
fuel is used, or if excessive
fines (sawdust, corn cobs,
husks, etc.) are present in
hopper. Auger jams are
evidenced when the auger
turns, but no fuel is
Check inside stove and
exhaust pipes for blockage.
Tap inside walls of firebox,
clean behind the lower access
plates (located on the back
inside wall, next to the firepot);
clean firepot and firebox vent
holes above firebrick panel.
Feed rate is too High for fuel;
reduce heat setting.
Inadequate combustion air
available; combustion air is
mandatory (Our Part PU-OAK
is acceptable).
Improper air mixture can
cause the unit to burn fuel
faster than the auger is
Too many elbows in the
venting restrict air flow.
CAUSE: Auger stops turning Fire goes out or stove shuts
down. Fuel may stop
Auger has come loose.
Check to see if auger motor
is turning and auger is not.
NOTE: Auger is held to the
auger motor by a coupler
that is fastened to the auger
motor with a setscrew.
Simply slide the auger into
the auger housing and rotate
it until it fits into the coupler.
If coupler is loose, remove
the auger motor and tighten
setscrew in the coupler.
Hi-limit sensor. Evident when
the unit is extremely hot.
Vacuum switch tripped.
Caused by exhaust blower not
running, or venting blocked.
Check blower, clean or replace
as necessary. Clean any
blockage from venting.
Auger motor not operating.
Inspect connection and
replace if necessary.
NOTE: Negative pressure in a home is a serious issue.
This unit must be installed with the Outside Air Kit (Part PU-OAK).