The first problem you may encounter is getting your stove into your home -- all of our stove
products are well constructed, which makes them rather heavy. Three to four adults can normally
handle a unit, but we still recommend using a handcart.
Never attempt to handle a heating product
alone!!! The door and brick can be temporarily removed to lighten the unit (refer to Brick Layout).
After the unit is placed into position, install the spring handles and attach any optional equipment.
Chimney Connector Pipe
The black pipe must be six inches (6”) in diameter and at least 24 gauge steel pipe. Do not use
aluminum or galvanized steel pipe, as it will not withstand the extreme temperatures generated by
the stove. Also, do not use single wall connector pipe as a chimney -- you must connect your stove
to a chimney comparable to those listed earlier in this manual. The crimped end of your pipe
should be inserted into the flue collar and, by doing this, all the pipe will be reversed. If you use this
method the creosote will run back down the inside of your pipe and not out of the joints onto your
stove. As a safety precaution, all joints should be cemented and secured with sheet metal screws.
For proper operation the chimney connector should be as short as possible and never exceed a
six foot (6’) horizontal run. Horizontal runs of chimney connector pipe should have an upward slope
of one quarter of an inch (1/4”) per foot. You will need to maintain eighteen inches (18”) of
clearance from the wall and ceiling unless you are using double wall or shielded pipe.
1. Remove all parts from inside the stove body.
2. Select the proper location for the stove. These appliances must not be installed any closer
than the minimum clearance to combustible materials shown in Illustration 1. The stove must
be installed on a non-combustible surface as shown in Illustration 1 and Illustration 2.
3. If non-combustible materials have been installed on the walls, obtain the minimum clearances
from either the manufacturer of these materials or the local building inspector’s office.
4. Install the stovepipe INSIDE the flue collar on the top of the stove, between the stove and the
5. DO NOT use a grate to elevate the fire.
6. A clearance of 18 inches between the stovepipe and combustible materials is required. Check
with authorities having jurisdiction in your area with any questions.
7. All pipe sections must be connected with the male (crimped) end toward the stove.
8. Fasten the stove pipe to the flue collar by the use of three sheet metal screws. Do the same
at each additional joint to make the entire installation rigid.
9. Maintain the required diameter flue for the entire installation.
10. If you are connecting the stove to an old masonry flue, be sure to have it inspected for cracks
and general condition. Resizing with a stainless steel liner may be required.
11. It is recommended that no more than two 90-degree bends be used in the stovepipe
installation. More than two 90-degree bends may decrease the amount of draw, and possibly
cause smoke spillage.
12. A damper is not required in this installation. Remove the damper plate in the chimney or
secure it in the OPEN position.
13. Single wall flue pipe assemblies must not exceed 10 feet in overall length.