
magnetic reed switch/CAL/RESET button when the desired level is displayed. The selection is acknowledged
by flashing the selected level on the alphanumeric display. The range for the low alarm is 5 to 100 (17 - 20.5%
for the ST1400 O sensor). The value increases in increment of 5 (.5% for the ST1400 O sensor) from 5 (17%
for the ST1400 O sensor) through to 100 (20.5% for the ST1400 O sensor) until an alarm level is selected or
a 5 minute timer expires in which case the unit returns to normal operation.
Step 2. The coil condition is set under NORMAL status (no alarm present). “Coil Status” is scrolled across
the alphanumeric display. The display then alternates between “Energized” and “De-Energized”, each time
prompting the user with “YES?” for selection. Activate the magnetic reed switch/CAL/RESET button when
the desired action is prompted. The selection is acknowledged by flashing “YES”.
Step 3. The relay latching action is set for ALARM status. “Latch Status” is scrolled on the alphanumeric
display. The display then alternates between “Latching” and “Non-Latching”, each time prompting the user
with “YES?” for selection. Activate the magnetic reed switch/CAL/RESET button when the desired action is
prompted. The selection is acknowledged by flashing “YES”. The alphanumeric display alternates between
“Latching” and “Non-Latching” until one is selected or a 5 minute timer expires in which case the unit
returns to normal operation.
Step 4. High relay options are set next. The high alarm relay cannot be set to a value lower than the low
alarm relay setting or higher than 100 (25 for the ST1400 O sensor). The high alarm level is displayed in
increments of 5 (.5% for the ST1400 O sensor) greater than the low alarm level selected in step 1 (21.5 for the
ST1400 O sensor) to a maximum of 100 (25% for the ST1400 O sensor). Activate the magnetic reed
switch/CAL/RESET button when the desired level is displayed. The selection is acknowledged by flashing the
selected level on the alphanumeric display.
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated for setting the high alarm relay coil and latch status.
Review Settings
Enter the main menu and activate the magnetic reed switch/CAL/RESET button when prompted for “Review
Relay Settings” with “YES?”. The output current will drop to 3.0mA and the relay settings are displayed.
First the fault alarm settings are displayed and these are fixed as normally “Energized” and “Non-Latching”,
followed by the low alarm settings and high alarm settings. This is a read-only mode, thus changes cannot be
made in this mode. The settings for all three alarm relays are displayed twice and then the unit returns to
normal operation.
It is necessary that reliable monitoring and indicating devices or systems be connected to the transmitter.
These devices must be designed to produce clear visual and audible danger signals when high signal levels
occur. Operating personnel must consider the area to be dangerous until a careful survey of the area has been
conducted with a separate and reliable gas indicating device.