Dual-Compressor Module Material Data Safety Sheet
32 2006SSD-75 R4 (10/10)
Dual-Compressor Module Material Data Safety Sheet
33 2006SSD-75 R4 (10/10)
a.6 fire aNd explosioN hazards
Flash Point (by Cleveland Open
320-530°F (160-276°C)
Flammable Limits Not established
Auto-Ignition Temperature No data
HMIS Ratings
Health 0
Flammability 1
Reactivity 0
NFPA Ratings Not established
Extinguishing Media
Dry chemical; CO
foam; water spray (fog)
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards None
Special Fire Fighting Techniques
Burning uid may evolve irritating/noxious fumes. Fireghters should
use NIOSH/MNSA-approved self-contained breathing apparatus.
Use water to cool re-exposed containers. Use water carefully near
exposed liquid to avoid frothing and splashing of hot liquid.
a.7 reaCtivity data
Stability Stable
Hazardous Polymerization Will not occur
Incompatible Materials Strong oxidizers
Conditions to Avoid Excessive heat
Analogous compounds evolve carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
and other unidentied fragments when burned. See A.6 - Fire and
Explosion Hazards.
a.8 health hazard data
Threshold Limit Value
Situations to Avoid Avoid breathing oil mists.
First Aid
Consult physician at once. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. May cause
nausea and diarrhea.
Product is not toxic by inhalation. If oil mist is inhaled, remove to fresh
air and consult physician.
To the best of our knowledge the toxicity of this product has not been fully investigated.
Analogous compounds are considered to be essentially non-toxic.
a.9 persoNal proteCtioN iNformatioN
Respiratory Protection Use in well ventilated area.
Ventilation Local exhaust
Protective Gloves Not required, but recommended, especially for prolonged exposure
Eye/Face Protection Goggles
a.10 spill or leak proCedures
In case of spill:
• Wear suitable protective equipment, especially goggles.
• Stop source of spill.
• Dike spill area.
• Use absorbent materials to soak up uid (e.g., sand, sawdust, commercially available materials).
• Wash spill area with large amounts of water.
• Properly dispose of all materials.
a.11 Waste disposal methods
Incinerate this product and all associated wastes in a licensed facility in accordance with federal, state,
and local regulations.