Instruction Manual
IM-106-5500, Original Issue
August 2005
CCO 5500
Figure 4-3. Diagnostic Mode
Detector Levels Detector levels from the detector are displayed here. D1 is the reference level
and should always be less than D2. The level of D2 should be between
10,000 and 20,000.
E2 and E1 are the detector levels with the gas
cell within the transmitter unit in the sight path,
and will be of the order of 1/2 of the D2 and D1
levels. Smoothed detector values may also be
displayed, these are noted as d1, d2, e1 and e2.
The first of these two parameters (Sat.#) indicates whether the detector
signals are saturating within the micro-processor (this value should always be
zero). If a number other than zero is displayed, it indicates saturation and the
detector gain should be adjusted. Refer to Section 3, Detector Levels.
Phase a is the phase time correction applied for
the calculation of the detector levels. This will
be between 0.1 and 5.9 milliseconds. This
value is calculated by the instrument and may
not be adjusted.
Press Enter on Exit option
Detector Outputs Detector levels
D1, D2, E1, E2,
d1, d2, e1 & e2
Saturation count &
phase correction
Mod. Frequency Modulation frequency
of detector D1
Modulation frequency
of detector D2
Y Values & ppm Parameter Y values
Instantaneous gas
calculation (ppm)
Calibration Data Cal values
Rx temperature
Fault Condition Fault status
4 D2 = 18765E = 13453
D1 = 15464E = 10654
4 Sat. # = 00000
Phase a = 3.5msec