Instruction Manual
June 2007
NGA 2000 CLD
1 - 5Description and SpecificationsEmerson Process Management GmbH & Co.OHG
a. General
Measurement Species:........................ NO, NOx
Ranges: .............................................. 0 to 5 ppm through 0 to 10,000 ppm NO, NOx
Repeatability: ...................................... ± 0.5 % of fullscale (at constant temperature)
Min. Detectable Level: ......................... 0.1 ppm
Noise: .................................................. < 1 % of fullscale, peak to peak
Linearity: ............................................. ± 1 % of fullscale
Response Time: .................................. < 1 sec. for 90 % of fullscale for ranges of 25 ppm or greater
< 3 sec. for 90 % of fullscale for ranges of less than 25 ppm
t90 Response ...................................... 1-2 sec.
Zero Drift: (at constant temperature).... <± 1 % of fullscale/24 hours, <± 2 % of fullscale/week
Span Drift: (at constant temperature)... <± 1 % of fullscale/24 hours, <± 3 % of fullscale/week
Effect of Temperature: ......................... < 2 % of fullscale (over any 10 °C ambient temperature variation interval for
a rate of change no greater than 10 °C/hour)
Ambient Temperature: ......................... 0 °C to 45 °C (32 °F to 113 °F)
Rated Power: ...................................... 24V DC 150W
b. Physical
Case Classification: ............................. General purpose for installation in weather-protected area
Dimensions: ........................................ See Figure 2-5: Outline and Mounting Dimensions
Weight:................................................ 8.1 kg (18 lbs.)
Mounting: ............................................ Inside a Platform or custom-installed in a panel
Max. Length of LON Cable: ................. 1,600m (1 mile) between Analyzer Module and Platform
c. Sample
Temperature: ....................................... 0 °C to 45 °C (32 °F to 131 °F)
Total Flow Rate:................................... (Externally measured) 900 to 2,200 cc/min. with backpressure regulator
pressure adjusted to 1,344 hPa (5 psig) or to 1,138 hPa (2 psig)
Particles: ............................................. Filtered to < 2 microns
Dewpoint: ............................................ 5.5 °C below ambient temperature, no entrained liquid
Materials in contact with Sample: ........ Stainless steel, Teflon, glass, brass and neoprene
Optional: ............................ Stainless steel, Teflon, glass and Kynar
Ozonator Gas: ..................................... Clean, dry air or oxygen; flow rate: 1 l/min. maximum;
pressure: 689 hPa to 1,034 hPa-gauge (10 to 15 psig); maintain a constant
pressure ± 34 hPa (± 0.5 psig)
d. Gas Connections
Ozone Air: ........................................... 1/4" O.D. tube fitting, stainless steel
Exhaust: .............................................. 1/4" O.D. tube fitting, stainless steel
Sample In: ........................................... 1/4" O.D. tube fitting, stainless steel
See the Preface section of the Platform manual for specifications regarding Platform-related components (e.g., case
dimensions) and the I/O Module manual for specifications regarding I/O (e.g., relay outputs).