Reference Manual
00809-0100-4860, Rev BC
Section 3: Configuration
January 2013
3.2.6 Tag
Tag is the quickest way to identify and distinguish between flowmeters. Flowmeters can be
tagged according to the requirements of your application. The tag may be up to eight
characters long.
3.2.7 Process config
The flowmeter can be used for liquid or gas/steam applications, but it must be configured
specifically for the application. If the flowmeter is not configured for the proper process,
readings will be inaccurate. Select the appropriate Process configuration parameters for your
Transmitter mode
For units with an integral temperature sensor, the temperature sensor can be activated here.
Process fluid
Select the fluid type: either Liquid, Gas/Steam, Tcomp Sat Steam. Tcomp Sat Steam requires the
MTA Option and provides a temperature compensated mass flow output for saturated steam.
Fixed process temperature
Process Temperature is needed for the electronics to compensate for thermal expansion of the
flowmeter as the process temperature differs from the reference temperature. Process
temperature is the temperature of the liquid or gas in the line during flowmeter operation.
Fixed process temperature may also be used as a back-up temperature value in the event of a
temperature sensor failure if the MTA option is installed.
The Fixed Process Temperature may also be changed under Calculate Density Ratio.
Field Comm. 1, 3, 1
Field Comm. 1, 3, 2
Field Comm. 1, 3, 2, 1
Without Temperature
With Temperature Sensor
Field Comm. 1, 3, 2, 2
Field Comm. 1, 3, 2, 3