Configuration, Startup and Operation 67
888Xi Advanced Electronics Instruction Manual Section 3: Configuration, Startup and Operation
PN 51-6888Xi December 2012
j. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to change the value from NO to YES or YES to NO.
ress ENTER to continue. If YES is selected, the Field Communicator will respond CALI-
18. If the Diffuser Warning Function is active, perform the following steps.
a. Press HOME to return to the main menu.
b. From the main menu, select SERVICE TOOLS.
c. From the OVERVIEW menu, select ALERTS.
d. From the ALERTS menu, select ACTIVE ALERTS.
e. The ACTIVE ALERTS menu should contain an A: DIFFUSER WARNING alarm. Press the
left arrow key to return to the ALERTS menu.
f. From the ALERTS menu, select DEVICE STATUS.
g. From the DEVICE STATUS menu, select ACKNOWLEDGE.
h. From the ACKNOWLEDGE menu, select ACK DIFFUSER WARNING. When the process is
complete, the screen will return to the ACKNOWLEDGE menu.
Aborting O
Calibration with 6888Xi and Field Communicator
1. From the calibration prompt screen, press the OK button to return to the SELECT ACTION
2. From the SELECT ACTION menu, select ABORT CALIBRATION then press ENTER.
3. The cycle will halt in approximately 10 seconds. When the step shows STOP GAS, press OK
to return to the SELECT ACTION menu.
4. From the CALIBRATION menu, select STEP CALIBRATION then ENTER.
5. The abort will continue with a purge delay according to the time programmed in the cali-
bration setup. When the step shows IDLE, press OK to return to the SELECT ACTION menu.
6. From the SELECT ACTION menu, select EXIT CALIBRATION then ENTER, the OK to return to
return to the CALIBRATION menu.
3.8.3 Calibration Log
The 6888XI stores the current and 10 previous calibrations. The stored data includes the slope,
constant, cell impedance and time (in days) since that calibration. The log can be accessed as
Using the 6888Xi Keypad & Display: IOB 1 Probe 1(or 2)\Calibration\Cal Constants\
Cal Logs
Using the Field Communicator: Configure\Calibration\Calibration
Constants\Calibration Logs
When first entering the log, the screen will display calibration 1. This is the most recent previous
calibration, not the current calibration. Calibration 0 displays the current calibration. Use the
keypad or communicator keys to navigate through the logs. The factory default for log entries is
a slope of 50.00 mV/Dec and constant of 0.00 mV. Any log entries with these values means
there have not been at least 10 calibrations performed to fill the entire log.
3.8.4 Reset Calibration
The 6888Xi has the ability to reset the current calibration and replace it with the previous. A cal-
ibration may be reset in cases where the calibration was acknowledged in error or the calibration