February 2001
March 1975
1. Give the size and speed of the compressor, as well as serial number and refrigerant used.
When recording serial number, be certain to include letters (i.e. A, AH, R22S, R12H, etc.) which
precedes the actual serial number. This will establish whether the compressor is built for 1000
RPM or 1200 RPM.
The serial number is stamped on the nameplate and the compressor frame. On 2 cylinder
compressors, the frame serial number location is directly below the cylinder cover on the
crankcase handhole side. On 4 thru 16 cylinder compressors, the frame serial number location
is directly above the suction flange or directly above the rear bearing cover. The rear bearing is
located on the oil pump/filter end of the compressor.
2. Always give the name of the part as well as the corresponding part number and/or item number.
Also include the number of parts required.
3. Should there be a doubt regarding the part number or name, send a sketch of the part required,
or return the old part as a sample, transportation charges prepaid. Orders on which part
numbers and description do not agree will be filled according to our best interpretation.
4. If parts that appear on the parts list do not appear on the price list, it is because they are sold
only as an assembly. All prices shown on the list are F.O.B. factory. Minimum domestic parts
order is $75.00 net price. Prices are for a single item unless otherwise specified in the price list.
5. Please indicate on the order the preferred method of shipment. We will follow your instructions
unless it is to your best interest to change routing.
6. If you purchased the compressor from a party other than Vilter Manufacturing Corporation,
please state when you purchased the compressor and from whom.