2.3 Gage Mounted Transmitter
The LTM-Series may be strapped to the outside of
the Magtech LG series magnetic level gage. In such
an installation, it is used as an accessory transmitter
for the visual level gage. The same float used to
activate the magnetic gage is also used to activate
the magnetostrictive sensor of the LTM and
transmit a directly proportional 4/20mA signal.
The depiction below shows the gage mount
installation of the LTM-Series to a mag-gage. The
transmitters may be calibrated for the same range
as the visual indicator on the mag-gage, or for part
of the range depending on the application.
Figure 2. Gage mounted transmitter
Magtech transmitters may also be used in
conjunction with other manufacturers’
magnetic level gages. Full warranties will apply
upon factory approval. Float and or Indicator
replacement may be required.
2.4 Standalone Transmitter
When a magnetic level gage is not present, the LTM
can be inserted into the tank/vessel with its own
float mounted around the sensor tube.
The depictions below show the standalone version
of the LTM-Series with various process connections
and the standard float stop with centering ring.
Figure 3. Transmitters with various process connections.
In Figure 3:
Transmitter A depicts a standard ¾” compression
fitting that is on all standalone transmitters.
Transmitter B depicts a ¾” compression fitting and
a hex plug. This option is highly recommended
because the hex plug is selected based on the
float’s diameter (OD), so if the instrument ever
needs to be removed or serviced for any reason it
can be removed by the hex plug.
Transmitter C depicts a flanged option with a ¾”
compression fitting and a hex plug.