19 – 3
Vission 20/20 • Operation and Service Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SC 1.8.5153
due to repeated motor starts. The operator has 3 choices
of protection. Hot starts allows only a certain number of
starts per hour before setting an hour to the anti-recy-
cle timer. The number of starts is set in the timer page.
Accumulative immediately adds time to the anti-recycle
timer once the compressor is started and the time can
be set in the timers screen. True anti-recycle adds to the
anti-recycle timer once the compressor is shutdown. The
motor of the compressor can not be restarted as long as
there is anti-recycle time left and the operator can view
this time on the top left corner of the main screen.
Restart On Power Failure
This feature of the Vission 20/20 offers the ability to de-
fi ne how the Vission 20/20 will handle a power failure.
This can also be useful to allow system controller to re-
gain control of the Vission panel without the need for
operator intervention.
• When selected, initiates a start after the panel pow-
ers back up after a power failure, but only if the com-
pressor was running before the power failure and
starts the compressor in Auto mode.
• When selected, prevents any automatic action once
the panel powers back up after a power failure.
• When selected, initiates a start after the panel pow-
ers back up after a power failure and the operator set
timer runs out. When there are multiple compressor
in a larger system, it is recommended that the opera-
tor gives each compressor a different start times. A
restart will only occur if the compressor was running
before the power failure and starts the compressor in
Auto mode.
Remote Lock Off:
• When selected, turns the remote lock out off when
the panel powers up. Select this option if the opera-
tor wishes a system controller to regain control of the
Vission 20/20 without human interference.
Boot in Remote (Direct I/O)
• When selected, places the panel into remote mode
when the panel powers up. Select this option when
under direct I/O control and the system controller is
to gain control of the Vission 20/20 without human
Compressor Sequencing
The compressor sequencing is a feature of the Vission
20/20 that allows the operator to setup as many as fi ve
compressor to automatically start, stop and maintain
system loads. The compressor that is designated as the
master will monitor systems parameter and make deci-
sions on how many compressor are required to meet the
load as effi ciently as possible.
Compressor Sequencing:
• Enables the compressor sequencing algorithms and
allows access to the compressor sequencing screen.
• Identifi es the panel as the master while in sequencing
• Identifi es the panel as a slave while in sequencing
Compressor Name:
• Unique identifi er that is broadcasted to all other
Vission 20/20 units in the sequencing network.
Allows the operator to select the language in which all
screens will be displayed in.
Model & Refrigerant
The values in this section provides the Vission 20/20
algorithm critical information on how to effi ciently
and safely control the compressor, see Figure 19-2.
Confi guration Screen - Page 2.
• Drop-down box to select the compressor type. This
selection is critical for proper volume slide control.
• Drop-down box to select the compressor size. This
selection is critical for proper volume slide control.
• Drop-down box to select the type of refrigerant. This
selection is critical for proper volume slide control.
Other (K-Factor):
• Optional setting to adjust volume slide control.
Section 19 • Configuration