
How to Use and Enjoy Your Treó 10 19
How Do I Transfer Music from My PC to
My Treó 10?
The Music Explorer software included with
Treó 10 allows you to manage your music
files. Establishing file folders and transferring
music tracks between the Treó 10 and your
computer is quick and easy with Music
Using Music Explorer
The main screen for Music Explorer functions
just like Windows Explorer™ on your PC.
When you first access the main screen, you
will see an Internal Storage icon. This is
where all the folders you create to store and
organize your music are stored.
Creating Storage Folders
Storage folders allow you to group your music
so that you can navigate to specific tracks
more easily. The names you assign the storage
folders here are the genre names you will see
on your Treó 10. For more information about
genres, see “What Is a Genre?” on page 30.
To cre ate a f olde r:
1. Right-click the Internal Storage icon.
2. Select New Folder.
3. Accept the dialog box defaults. Type a
name for your folder. Folder names can
contain up to 64 characters and can
include letters, numbers, and spaces.
4. Click OK.