Wa t e r Pu m P
OP e r a t O r 's ma n u a l
No water delivered
or not enough water
•Pump not primed
•Speed too low
•Suction line clogged
•Suction lift too high
•Air leak in suction line
•Fill pump body with water.
•Pump should operate at 5600-6300 rpm.
•Clean suction opening.
•Locate pump closer to water.
•Tighten connections or replace with new hose
or pipe. Use pipe compund to seal threads.
•Impeller plugged.
•Suction end not submerged deep
•Clean impeller.
•Submerge suction hose or piping enough so
no air enters while pump is operating.
Not enough
•Speed too low.
•Worn impeller.
•Engine should operate at 5600-6300 rpm.
•Replace impeller.
Pumps water,
then stops
•Suction line out of water.
•Suction lift too high.
•Pump clogs with debris.
•Suction strainer clogs.
•Pump seal worn.
•Lower suction line into water.
•Locate pump nearer water.
•Clean pump and impeller.
•Clean strainer.
•Replace seal. (ECHO Dealer)
Pumps water,
then stops
•Foreign matter settled or solidified
inside the pump. Impeller is clogged by
solid debris.
•Remove pump casing and clean the pump
st o r a g e
Long Term Storage (over 30 days)
Do not store your unit for a prolonged period of time (30 days or longer) with out performing protective storage mainte-
nance which includes the following:
1. Store unit in a dry, dust free place, out of the reach of children.
Do not store in enclosure where fuel fumes may accumulate or reach an open ame or spark or serious personal
injury may result.
2. Place the ignition in the “OFF” position.
3. Remove accumulation of grease, oil, dirt and debris from exterior of unit.
4. Perform all periodic lubrication and services that are required.
5. Tighten all the screws and nuts.
6. Drain the fuel tank completely and pull the starter handle several times to remove fuel from the carburetor.
t r o u b l e s h o o t I n g p u m p e n d