Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l
6. Secure the right hand U-handle by tightening 4 right handle assem-
bling bolts (H) loosely.
7. Adjust handles for comfortable operation and tighten handle as-
sembling bolt (E) and 4 right handle assembling bolts (H).
8. Route throttle linkage and ignition lead assembly along shaft and
clip as shown.
b a l a n c e a n d a d j u s t u n I t
1. Loosen harness clamp screw.
2. Put on harness and attach unit to harness.
3. Slide harness clamp up (A) or down until unit balances with head
approximately 50-75 mm (2 -3 in.) from the ground.
4. Tighten harness clamp screw.
5. Loosen upper U-Handle clamp screws (B), and position U-Handle
for comfortable operation.
6. Tighten U-Handle clamp screws and 8 mm clamp bolt securely.