He d g e Cl i p p e r
Op e r a t O r 's Ma n u a l
co n t e n t s
The ECHO product you have purchased has been factory pre-assembled for your convenience.
After opening the carton, check for damage. Immediately notify your retailer or ECHO Dealer of damaged or missing
parts. Use the contents list to check for missing parts.
____ 1 - Power Head/Driveshaft/Hedge Clipper Assembly
____ 1 - Operator's Manual
____ 1 - Hedge Clipper Safety Manual
____ 1 - Warranty Registration Card
____ 1 - Torx T27 L-Wrench (225 Model Only)
____ 1 - Blade Cover
as s e m b l y
225 Model Only
Tools Required: Torx T27 L-Wrench
Parts Required: Drive Shaft Assembly and Gear Housing Assembly.
g e a r h o u s I n g a s s e m b l y / d r I v e s h a f t
Hedge Clipper Blades are very sharp. Wear gloves to protect hands.
1. Remove locating bolt (A) and loosen clamping bolt (B).
2. Remove vinyl cap from drive shaft.
3. Slide Gear Housing Assembly onto Drive Shaft. Be certain the
Flex Drive Shaft engages the hole in Driver Gear.
Flat edge of washer (C) must be against drive shaft.
4. Align locating hole in gear housing with locator hole in drive shaft.
5. Install locating bolt (A). Tighten clamping bolt (B).