Data Power Solutions Quick Start Guide
Copyright © 2006-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
10640205 February 2009
Low Voltage Disconnect (if applicable)
APS3-059, APS3-061 and APS6-059 dc power systems are equipped with a Low Voltage
Disconnect (LVD) module. The LVD disconnects the batteries at the LVD disconnect voltage
to prevent damage to the batteries due to excessive deep discharge. After the batteries are
disconnected, they recover to their open-circuit voltage. The LVD reconnects the batteries
automatically after the ac supply is restored. After the batteries are reconnected, the APS dc
power system recharges the batteries and powers the loads.
Both the LVD disconnect and reconnect voltages are configurable. The default LVD
disconnect voltage is set to 44V and the reconnect voltage to 48V. This hysteresis band
ensures that the open-circuit recovery of the discharged batteries does not rise above the LVD
reconnect voltage.
This section contains important warnings relating to:
• Inputs
• Equipment Classification
• Outputs
• Batteries (if applicable)
• Rectifiers
• Location and Environment
• Servicing
• EMC Compliance
• Desktop Versions:
Pluggable Type A: Except for 120V input, if APS3-06X power systems are fitted with three rectifiers, then only
two ac power cords may be connected to one building branch circuit. The third ac power cord must be
connected to a separate building branch circuit. Failure to do so voids all safety approvals.
• The maximum earth leakage current of each Access Power Rectifier is 1.5 mA. Ensure that any upstream
Residual Current Devices (RCDs) are appropriately rated.
• The ac power cords (supplying the power system) must be suitably rated for the environment and ac power
distribution system. In addition, these ac power cords must be approved and installed to comply with local
wiring regulations.
• The earth conductor of each ac power cord must have a minimum cross sectional area of 1 mm2 (0.00155 in2).
• The maximum length of each ac power cord should not exceed 3m (10 feet), unless local wiring regulations
permit otherwise.
• Ensure that the ac supply is disconnected from those fused ac power sockets before checking or replacing
their respective fuses.
• Each socket, K1 to K3 (APS3), and K1 to K6 (APS6), contain two fuses, FS1 and FS2.
• Use only 15 A, 250 VAC, 6.3 x 32 mm, fast-acting fuses of the same type (Bussman ABC-15 or Littelfuse 314-
015 Type 3AB) for continued protection against risk of fire.