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Operator's Manual
CS3814, CS3816, CS4116 Chainsaws
• Alwaysholdthechainsawrmlywithbothhandswhenthe
engine is running. Use a rm grip with thumb and ngers
encircling the chainsaw handles.
• Whencarryingfromoneplacetoanother,alwaysstopthe
engine and hold the saw with the guide bar and saw chain
behind you and the muer away from your body.
• Alwaysinspectthechainsawforworn,loose,ordamagedparts.
Never operate a chainsaw that has been damaged, improperly
adjusted, or is not completely and securely assembled.
• Useextremecautionwhencuttingsmallbrushandsaplings.
Thinner material may be caught by the chain and could whip
back toward you or pull you o balance.
• Whencuttinglimbsundertension,stayalertfor“springback”
so you are not struck when the tension in the wood bers is
• Alwaysshutotheenginebeforesettingthechainsawdown.
• Keepthehandlesdry,clean,andfreeoflubricants,oilsandfuel.
Kickback may occur when the guide bar nose or
tip comes into contact with a foreign object, or
closes in on the bar and pinches the saw chain.
Tip contact in some cases may cause a lightning-
fast reverse action, kicking the guide bar up and
back toward the operator.
Pinching the saw chain along the top of the
guide bar may push the guide bar and the saw
unit backward toward the operator.
Either of these reactions may cause the operator
to lose control of the chainsaw, which could
result in serious personal injury or death.
Do not rely exclusively on the safety devises
built into your saw. As a chainsaw user, it is
your responsibility to understand the inherent
dangers of chainsaw use and the precautions
necessary to minimize those dangers.
Precautions to Avoid Kickback:
hands; the right hand on the rear handle, and
the left hand on the forward grip.
• Makecertaintheareainwhichyouarecutting
is free from obstructions. Do not let the guide
bar nose come into contact with a log, branch, rock or other
objects while cutting. Such contact could result in a kickback.
• Alwaysmakecutsathighenginespeeds.
• Donotover-reachorcutaboveshoulderheight.
• Alwaysmaintainasharpandcleansawchain.Follow
manufacturer’s sharpening and maintenance instructions for
the saw chain.
• Onlyusereplacementbarsandchainsspecifiedbythe
manufacturer or an appropriate equivalent.
wood. Do not cut other materials with this saw.
• Donotattachothertoolsoraccessoriestotheoutputshaftof
the power unit. Doing so will void the manufacturer’s warranty.
• Donotapplyexcessivepressuretoforcethesawthroughthe
cut. Run the engine at full throttle and apply only light pressure.
• Alwaysmaintainarmfooting.
• Nevercutfromastepladderorwhileinatree.
• Neverusetheguidebarasameanstolift,pry,moveorsplit
• Iftheguidebarandsawchainbecomepinchedinacut,donot
race the engine or pull the saw out of the cut by force. Use a
wedge or lever to open the cut and pull the saw free.
Felling a Tree
Felling refers to the process of cutting down a standing tree.
Numerous factors must be taken into consideration when
felling a tree. First consider the environmental factors which will
determine the felling direction:
• Windisamajordeterminingfactoroffellingdirection.
• Locationandnumberofheavybranchesandtheleanofthetree.
• Easeofbuckingandclean-upafterfelling
• Nearbystandingtimberinwhichthefelledtreecouldhangup.
• Locationofpower,telephoneanddatautilities,buildings,
roads, bodies of water, property lines, etc.
• Woodstructureandcondition(i.e.rottenheartwoodorcore).
• Keepallbystandersatleast2-1/2treelengthsawayfromthe
base of the tree to be cut. This area is considered a danger zone
and must be avoided before and during the felling operation.
Retreat Path
Plan two (2) retreat paths away from the felling direction of the
tree. Do not retreat in the opposite direction from the falling tree.
Instead, retreat at a 45-degree angle to either side.
• Cleartheretreatpathsofallobstacles.
• Placeallexcesstoolsandequipmentasafedistancefromthe
tree, but not in the retreat paths.