
Directed Electronics, Inc.
Turn the ignition ON. (The heavy-gauge PINK wire of the relay
satellite must be connected.)
SSeelleecctt tthhee rreecceeiivveerr CChhaannnneell..
Press and release the Valet/program switch
the number of times necessary to access the desired channel. Once you
have selected a channel, press and HOLD the Valet/program switch once
more. The siren will chirp and the LED will blink the number of times
corresponding to the channel that has been accessed.
NOTE: If adding a transmitter/receiver, a button must be taught to the unit in the Channel One
or Channel Five position prior to programming other channels.
PPrreessss tthhee ttrraannssmmiitttteerr bbuuttttoonn..
While holding the Valet®/Program switch,
press the button from the transmitter that you wish to assign to that
channel. The unit will chirp indicating successful programming. It is not
possible to teach a transmitter button to the system more than once.
Once the code is learned, the Valet®/Program button can be
CChhaannnneellss ##11,, 55,, 66,, 77::
Channels 1, 5, 6, and 7 are used to assign the arm, disarm and panic functions
to specific buttons on the transmitter/receiver. Teaching a button to Channel 1 or 5 erases some
information about that transmitter/receiver from memory. Any auxiliary functions that are desired
may have to be reprogrammed.
NOTE: To avoid confusion, delete all transmitters before changing button configurations.
Channel Number Function Wire Color
1 Arm/Disarm/Panic
2 Silent Mode/Remote Valet/Trunk Release RED/WHITE
3 Remote Start
4 Second unlock or other accessories VIOLET/BLACK
5 Arm only
6 Disarm only
7 Panic only
8 Auto-learn Standard Configuration*
9 Auto-learn Single Button Arm/Disarm Configuration*
10 Delete all transmitters
**NOTE: For Auto Learn Configurations, see Transmitter Configurations section of this guide.