
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc
Default mode is UNLOCKED.
VVaalleett --
Selecting ENABLE allows the
amplifier to monitor valet signals
from the alarm system. The ampli-
fier will not power up once remote
power is removed when the Valet
monitoring mode is ENABLED and
the alarm system has been set into
Valet mode.
To make use of the Anti-theft
or Valet features, the amplifier must
"learn" which transmitters are asso-
ciated with the currently used alarm
system. See item 8 below.
If selected while the remote power
is on, the amplifier will continue
playing until the remote power is
turned off.
To Clear Valet Mode, Disable Valet
mode on the alarm, then cycle the
remote power line off then on
again. The amplifier will power up
normally after the Turn On Delay
time has expired.
AAnnttii--tthheefftt --
Selecting ON, allows the
amplifier to monitor Arm and
Disarm signals from the alarm,
rendering the amp in-operable if
stolen. When OFF, these signals are
ignored. OFF is the factory default
When main power is removed while
the unit is armed, the unit is placed
into a "stolen state". The ESP
Status indicator will blink rapidly,
and the amplifier will not continue
its power up sequence. Also when
there is currently an ARM signal
active on the bus, the amplifier
cannot be written to by the
To reactivate the amplifier, connect
the alarm that was used to arm the
amplifier, and press the disarm
button. Ensure the remote line is
off(turn it off if this is not the
case), and then turn the amplifier
on. The amplifier should power up
normally after the Turn On Delay
LLeeaarrnn TTXX IIDDss
DDeeffaauulltt OOffff..
Before the unit will
respond to Arm/Disarm/Valet
Commands from the alarm system,
it needs to establish communica-
tions with this alarm system. Once
this procedure is performed, the
unit will store this information
permanently in memory. The proce-
dure only needs to be repeated if
the alarm unit is replaced or all the
transmitters in an alarm system are
TToo ppeerrffoorrmm aa ttrraannssmmiitttteerr ""lleeaarrnn""::
1. Connect Bitwriter
to amplifier.
Press READ on the Bitwriter