© 2004 directed electronics, inc.
second countdown). This feature only works if passive
arming has been programmed.
➤ Panic mode
/disabled when the ignition is turned on.
(Some states have laws against sirens sounding in moving cars.)
➤ The engine can be programmed to run for any duration
ranging from 1 to 60 minutes.
1122 mmiinnuutteess
is the default.
After the programmed run time, the engine will shut down
and will not restart, unless in Timer Mode.
➤ While the remote start system is running the engine, the
parking lights of the vehicle can
ffllaasshh oonn aanndd ooffff
or come on
and light steadily.
sseeccuurriittyy && ccoonnvveenniieennccee eexxppaannssiioonnss
Listed below are some of the many expansion options available.
Please consult your dealer for a complete explanation of all the
options available to you.
Domelight Supervision:
This domelight will illuminate for 30
seconds each time the system is unlocked using the 2-way
remote. This is useful for seeing inside the vehicle at night prior
to entering it.
note: When the system passively arms after one hour, the
entry point that has been left open, and anything con-
nected to the same zone, is bypassed and cannot trigger
the system. However, the remaining inputs to the system
are fully operational.