
© 2006 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved 21
This wire supplies a (-)500 mA ground as long as the system is armed. This output ceases as soon as the system
is disarmed. The orange wire may be wired to an optional Directed Electronics 8618 starter kill relay.
secondary harness (H2) wire connection guide
This wire provides a second unlock output for progressive locks. Refer to document 1041—Door Locking System
Wiring Guide for specific applications.
This wire provides 200 mA programmable output. (See Feature Descriptions section of this guide.)
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input! This transis-
torized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a solenoid, motor, or other
high-current device will cause the module to fail.
This wire provides 200 mA programmable output. (See Feature Descriptions section of this guide.)
IMPORTANT! Never use this wire to drive anything but a relay or a low-current input! This transis-
torized output can only supply 200 mA, and connecting directly to a solenoid, motor, or other
high-current device will cause the module to fail.
This wire sends a negative pulse every time the remote start shuts down or the doors are locked. This can be used
to pulse the arm wire of the vehicle's factory anti-theft device. Use a relay to send a (-) or (+) pulse to the arm wire.
Connect this wire to the wire in the vehicle that sends the signal to turn on the WAIT-TO-START bulb in the dash-
board. In most diesels the wire is negative (ground turns on the bulb) and the GRAY/BLACK wire can be directly
connected to the wire in the vehicle. If the vehicle uses a positive wire (12V to turn on the bulb) a relay must
H2/5 GRAY/BLACK (-) diesel wait-to-start bulb input
H2/4 GREEN/WHITE (-) factory alarm rearm
H2/3 VIOLET/BLACK 200 mA (-) programmable channel 4 output
H2/2 WHITE/BLACK 200 mA (-) programmable channel 5 output
H2/1 LIGHT BLUE (-) 200mA 2nd unlock output
H1/12 ORANGE (-) ground-when-armed output