
20 © 2000 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
internal programming jumpers
To access the jumper, open the control module. This jumper is used to determine the light flash output. In the
default negative (-) position, the on-board relay is disabled and the unit will output (-) 200 mA, suitable for
driving factory parking light relays. In the (+) position, the on-board relay is enabled and will supply a positive
(+)12V on the H1/2 WHITE wire.
NOTE: For parking light circuits that draw 10 amps or more, the internal jumper must be switched
to a (-) light flash output. P/N 8617 or a standard automotive SPDT relay must be used on the
H1/2 light flash output harness wire.
This jumper is used to select either Level I security mode or Level II security mode.
In its default position, this jumper is set for Level I security mode. In Level I security mode, the databus inter-
face module will allow the security system to be disarmed from the driver’s door key cylinder. This setting will
also allow the trunk trigger zone to shunt if opened using the vehicle’s OEM transmitter or trunk key cylinder. If
the trunk is forced open, the trunk will trigger only if the vehicle has OEM security content theft deterrent (CTD).
level I security mode/level II security mode jumper
light flash jumper