
Directed Electronics, Inc. all rights reserved
H1/8 BLACK (-) chassis ground connection
Connect this wire to a clean, paint-free sheet metal location (driver kick panel) using a factory bolt
that DOES NOT have any vehicle component grounds attached to it. A screw should only be used
when in conjunction with a two-sided lock washer. Under dash brackets and door sheet metal are
not acceptable ground points. It is recommended that all security components be grounded at the
same location.
H1/9 YELLOW (+) ignition input
Connect this wire to the (+) 12 volts ignition wire. This wire is pre-wired to the starter kill relay and
must show (+) 12 volts with the key in RUN position and during cranking. Take great care that this
wire cannot be shorted to the chassis at any point.
H1/10 BROWN (+) siren output
Connect this to the RED wire of the Revenger® siren. Connect the BLACK wire of the siren to (-)
chassis ground, preferably at the same point you connect the control module’s BLACK ground wire.