
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
starter side wire of the vehicle.
4. Does the vehicle have an immobilizer? Some immobilizer
systems will not allow the vehicle to crank if active.
5. Check connections. The two red heavy gauge input wires
should have solid connections. "T-taps", or "scotch locks"
are not recommended for any high current heavy gauge
wiring. Also, if the vehicle has more than one 12-volt input
wire, then connect one red wire to each.
TThhee vveehhiiccllee ssttaarrttss,, bbuutt iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ddiieess..
Does the vehicle have an immobilizer? The vehicle’s immo-
bilizer will cut the fuel and/or spark during unauthorized
starting attempts.
TThhee vveehhiiccllee wwiillll ssttaarrtt aanndd rruunn oonnllyy ffoorr aabboouutt 1100 sseeccoonnddss..
Is the remote start programmed for voltage sense? Try
programming the unit using a tach wire.
gglloossssaarryy ooff tteerrmmss
Control Module:
The “brain” of your system. Usually hidden
under the dash area of the vehicle. It houses the microprocessor
that monitors your vehicle and controls all system functions.
A hand-held, remote control which operates the
various functions of your system.