Intelligent Pitch Shifting (IPS)
Intelligent Pitch Shifting makes a copy of the incoming signal, and then changes the pitch of the
copied note to a diatonically correct interval specified by the Amount parameter. An Intelligent
Pitch Shifter sharpens or flattens the shifted pitch in order to keep the specified interval within
the selected key and scale creating a true harmony.
Shift - Knob 2 selects the amount or harmony interval for the Intelligent Pitch Shifter. Interval
choices include:
(octave down)
(a seventh below)
(a sixth below)
(a fifth below)
(a fourth below)
(a third below)
(a second below)
(a second above)
(a third above)
(a fourth above)
(a fifth above)
(a sixth above)
(a seventh above)
(an octave above)
Key - Knob 3 selects the musical key that the IPS uses. Key choices range from the Key of E
() through the Key of Eb ().
Scale - Knob 4 selects the scale the IPS will use. Scale choices include: Major (),
Minor (), Dorian (), Mixolydian (), Lydian (), and Harmonic
Minor ().
Level (X-Edit
only) - Adjusts the IPS Level () of all the pitch-altering effects in
this module. Ranges from to .