MODEL 3. DigiTech
XP300 Space Station
Synth Swell
This model recreates the most popular tone on a rare and hard-to-find
pedal. The DigiTech
XP300 Space Station
Synth Swell
packs an entire
outer-space string orchestra into your guitar, and lets you create other-
worldly effects and flourishes which you can
control with the Expression Pedal.
Control 1 (tip): Pitch Shift – Selects one
of the seven different pitch shift intervals for
the swell effect. (See diagram.)
Control 2 (tip): Chorus/Pitch Balance –
Balances the pitch and chorus effects.
Minimum position has chorus and no pitch shift; maximum position has
pitch shift and no chorus.
Control 3 (tip): Swell Attack Time – Adjusts the volume attack
time. When in the minimum position, Autoswell attack is off (swell is
controlled via the Expression Pedal). The maximum position has over 3
seconds of volume attack.
Expression Pedal – Controls the input level (volume swell).
4th Up
5th Up
Octave Up
4th Down
5th Down
Octave Down
Pitch Shift Interval Positions