Appendix D
Table 9: CC1800XL Troubleshooting
Symptom Problem Solution
1. Saw will not raise. Index plunger in?
Pull index plunger out to move
2. Saw will not lower. Index plunger in?
Pull index plunger out to move
3. Blade does not cut straight.
Excessive force applied while
Reduce forward speed.
Wrong blade for application? Contact dealer/manufacturer of blade.
4. Short belt life.
Loose belts causing slippage? Check belt tension regularly.
Sheaves misaligned?
Use straightedge to check blade shaft
sheave alignment.
Worn sheave grooves?
Check for groove wear and replace as
Mismatched belt set?
Replace with new set of matched belts.
DO NOT mix old and new belts.
Overheating of belts? Check belt tension.
5. Engine/motor does not start.
(Refer to the engine/motor manual
and manufacturer for additional
engine/motor troubleshooting
Emergency stop button down? Pull out emergency stop button.
Master disconnect off? Turn on master disconnect.