72 OL-17709-01
Add a new remote
1. Choose User Options > Mobility Settings > Remote Destinations.
2. Select the device from the Name drop-down list box.
3. Click Remote Destinations.
4. Click Add New.
5. Enter the following information:
Name—Enter a name for the cellular (or other) phone.
Destination Number—Enter your cellular phone number.
Answer Too Soon Timer—Enter the amount of time before you can
pick up a call on the remote destination (in milliseconds).
Answer Too Late Timer—Enter the amount of time after which it is
too late to pick up a call on the remote destination (in milliseconds).
Delay Before Ringing Timer—Enter the amount of time before the
call rings on the remote destination (in milliseconds).
Remote Destination Profile—Select a remote destination profile,
which contains the settings that apply to all of your remote
Allowed Access List—Select a phone number or rule that allows your
cellular phone to ring when a call comes in to your desktop phone.
You can select an allowed access list or blocked access list, but not
Blocked Access List—Select a phone number or rule for which your
cellular phone does not ring when a call comes in to your desktop
phone. You can select an allowed access list or blocked access list,
but not both.
Mobile Phone—Select to allow your cellular phone can accept a call
sent from your desktop phone.
Enable Mobile Connect—Select to allow your cellular phone to ring
simultaneously with your desktop phone.
Smart Client Installed—Select to indicate that the remote destination
you are setting up is a smartphone.
6. Click Save.
If you want to... Then do this after you log in...