Powerful Solutions for Digital Plants
MYNAH Technologies 504 Trade Center Blvd. Chesterfield, MO 63005 Telephone 636 681-1555 Fax 636 681-1660
Attribute Defined Values
0 = Basic Protected
1 = Basic Protected Bit
2 = Basic Unprotected
3 = Basic Unprotected Bit
4 = PLC-5 Typed (Logical ASCII Addressing)
5 = PLC-5 Ranged (Logical ASCII Addressing)
6 = Diagnostic
7 = PLC-5 Read-Mod-Write (Logical ASCII Addressing)
8 = PLC-5 Typed (Logical Binary Addressing)
9 = PLC-5 Ranged (Logical Binary Addressing)
10 = PLC-5 Read-Mod-Write (Logical Binary Addressing)
11= SLC 500, SLC 5/03 and SLC 5/04 Protected Typed
Logical Read/Write with three address fields
12=SLC Reserved
(PLC-5 /SLC / PLC-3 File Type)
For PLC-3 Character value of File Prefix. For
example for File F, enter 70.
This Field is “Don’t Care” for DeviceDataType 0-3, and 6
0 = Output File Type, O
1 = Input File Type, I
2 = Status File Type, S
3 = Binary File Type, B
4 = Timer File Type, T *
5 = Counter File Type, C *
6 = Control File Type, R *
7= Integer File Type, N
8 = Floating File Type, F
* Timer, Counter and Control types are not available in this
driver at this time when communicating with a PLC-5.
(PLC-5 / SLC / PLC-3 File Number)
This field is “Don’t Care” for DeviceDataType 0-3, 6
0 – 65535 file number
0 - 8 are reserved to match with file types in