Ifthere isno rinseaid warning light inthe controlpanel, youcan judgethe amountofrinseaid bythefollowingmeans.The
black doton the rinse aid dispenser indicates the amountof rinse aid inthe dispenser.As the rinse aid diminishes,the size of
the blackdot decreases. You should neverlet the rinse aidget below1 /4 full.
Astherinseaiddiminishes,the sizeoftheblackdotontherinse
aid level indicator changes, asillustratedbelow.
1/ 4 full - Should refill to eliminatespotting
The upper rack is designed to hold more delicate and lighter dishwaresuch as glasses,coffee and teacup andsaucers, as well
as plates, smallbowls and shallowpans(as longas they are not too dirty).
Position the dishes and cookware so that they donot get moved
by the spray of water.
The upper rack can be adjusted for height by puttingwheels of
differentheight intothe rails.
For the below placement method of Rack, the adjustment position
of Upper Rack must be as below shownon the illustration.
If required,theheightof the upper rack can be adjuestedin order to creat more spaceforlargeutensils either in the upper rack
or lower rack.
Long items,servingcutlery,saladservers or knives should be placed on the shelf so that they do not obstruct the rotationofthe
spray arms. The shelf can be folded back or removedwhen notrequired for use.
The upperrack canbe adjustedforheight by putting wheels of different height intothe rails.