
0 91 QSFP 4x1000BASE-T US0XJYD04162059
show interface transceiver
QSFP 0 Serial ID Base Fields
QSFP 0 Id = 0x0d
QSFP 0 Ext Id = 0x00
QSFP 0 Connector = 0x0c
QSFP 0 Transceiver Code = 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
QSFP 0 Encoding = 0x05
QSFP 0 Length(SFM) Km = 0x00
QSFP 0 Length(OM3) 2m = 0x32
QSFP 0 Length(OM2) 1m = 0x00
QSFP 0 Length(OM1) 1m = 0x00
QSFP 0 Length(Copper) 1m = 0x00
QSFP 0 Vendor Rev = 0
Overview of Layer Modes
On all systems running Dell Networking OS, you can place physical interfaces, port channels, and VLANs
in Layer 2 mode or Layer 3 mode.
By default, VLANs are in Layer 2 mode.
Type of Interface Possible Modes Requires Creation Default State
10/100/1000 Ethernet,
10 Gigabit Ethernet
Layer 2
Layer 3
No Shutdown (disabled)
Management N/A No Shutdown (disabled)
Loopback Layer 3 Yes No shutdown (enabled)
Null interface N/A No Enabled
Port Channel
Layer 2
Layer 3
Yes Shutdown (disabled)
Layer 2
Layer 3
Yes, except for the
default VLAN.
No shutdown (disabled
for Layer 2)
Shutdown (active for
Layer 3 )
Configuring Layer 2 (Data Link) Mode
Do not configure switching or Layer 2 protocols such as spanning tree protocol (STP) on an interface
unless the interface has been set to Layer 2 mode.
To set Layer 2 data transmissions through an individual interface, use the following command.
Enable Layer 2 data transmissions through an individual interface.