72 | Dell SonicWALL WXA 1.3 User’s Guide
The Configure Hostname pop-up window displays after clicking the Configure button in the
Hostname field:
Figure 4 Join Domain Pop-up Window
Name Description
Hostname (text field) Enter a hostname for your WXA series appliance. A default hostname is
chosen for you, leave the text field blank to use it.
Note: If you are configuring a WXA 5000 Virtual Appliance or WXA 500 Live
CD, a default hostname is not provided, you must enter one.
Apply button Applies the created or default hostname to the WXA series appliance.
Cancel button Cancels any entered information and closes the Configure Hostname pop-
up window.
Name Description
Join Domain button Joins the WXA series appliance to the domain.
Note: The join domain process adds the relevant domain records for the
WXA series appliance, which requires administrator’s credentials.
Cancel button Cancels any information entered and closes the Join Domain pop-up win-